May I extend my warmest greetings to members, auxiliary members and families of MWVO and wish all of you in physical and spiritual wellbeing.
Myanmar War Veterans Organization has uploaded MWVO website. MWVO, organized by prescribing law, is a Non-Government Organization is indeed to render mutual assistance among members and to participate in national security matters as a reserved force. Information such as objectives, missions and implementation, organization, activities and rule and regulation of MWVO will be released in the website for the entire people, members and auxiliary members.
Apart from that, information about MWVO, member of VECONAC, is available for international veteran's organization as well as information about international veterans organization can be utilized by us.
As we have uploaded MWVO website with the support of State, Region and township war veterans organizations, it is to be informed that we all can share news from multi-sectors in timely manner and achieve veterans affairs with great momentum.
In this very first occasion of website uploading, I wish all of MWVO members and auxiliary members well and urge to unitedly participate in the cause of the nation and the MWVO.

The second day session of the Myanmar War Veterans Organization Conference 2021 took place at the conference hall of the headquarters of the MWVO in Dekkhinathiri Township of Nay Pyi Taw Council Area this morning with an address by Patron of Myanmar War Veterans Organization Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.The conference was also attended by Vice Chairman of SAC Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief(Army)Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Council members General Mya Tun Oo, Admiral Tin Aung San, General Maung Maung Kyaw, Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun, Lt-Gen Soe Htut, Secretary Lt-Gen Aung Lin Dway, and Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, Union Minister Lt-Gen Yar Pyae, Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye, Commander-in-Chief(Navy) Admiral Moe Aung, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, Chairman of MWVO Lt-Gen Sein Win (Retd) and members, the commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command, chairmen and representatives of war veterans supervisory committees and guests in addition to the officials from region and state supervisory committees who attended the conference through video conferencing.In his speech, the Senior General said the Myanmar War Veterans Organization was formed with the aim of participating in the tasks of Our Three Main National Causes and socio-economic development of the ethnic people, serving as the reserve force of the Tatmadaw in national defence and security measures, helping war veteran members each other in unison and joining in the State welfare tasks.The MWVO is constituted with region and state war veterans organizations. Those war veterans had served the duties assigned by the State for the nation and the people with sacrifice of life and limb. As the organization is formed with those who served as disciplined Tatmadaw members, it is a reliable one for the State and the Tatmadaw.The Tatmadaw which emerged in the demand of the history in the independence struggle is a single patriotic Tatmadaw. Emergence of the Burma Independence Army(BIA) led by General Aung San together with 30 comrades was to open the independence struggle was full of difficulties and the situations after gaining the independence were almost collapsing the State.At that time, the Tatmadaw gathering its strengths difficultly fought against the dangers of the nation.In observing the process of falling under the colonial rule, the point not only on lack of a modern Tatmadaw systematically formed with powerful strength but also on the weatness of unity was the main point. Hence, the current Tatmadaw took the lessons from the weakness in the past of the Myanmar history and is shaping a modern patriotic, powerful capable Tatmadaw. In so doing war veterans from the organization since their establishment have been serving the assigned duties under the leadership of the Tatmadaw.At present, the time of Tatmadaw which took the State responsibilities would be ten months. The Tatmadaw is an organization which strives for cementing the multi-party democracy the people aspire and the national political role of the State in accord with the provisions of the Constitution. The Tatmadaw is responsible to prevent all the acts undermining the Constitution which is lifeblood of the State and the multi-party democracy. The Tatmadaw has been leaving the many examples which safegurarded the State whenever it faced the state of emergency in the history Nowadays, the Tatmadaw. took the State responsibilities in time by politically declaring the state of emergency due to the fact that those who forcibly grasped the state power with committing the voting frauds in the 2020 multi-party democracy general election. During the period, the Tatmadaw is implementing the Five-Point road-map step by step.Turning a blind eye to realities of the Tatmadaw talking the responsibilities under the Constitution, Local and external saboteurs, commit instigations to wedge the Tatmadaw and the people and incitement to break the country up with weakness of the Tatmadaw. Hence, it is necessary to fight against them under the law.At present, the war veterans organization which is the reserve force of the Tatmadaw are conscientiously serving the national defence and security measures of the country. It can be seen that some persons with different attitudes in some areas commit incitements to hate the Tatmadaw and terror attacks on the retired Tatmadaw members. It is necessary to prevent these acts under the security awareness and conscience and public cooperation. The Senior General expressed his acknowledge and condolences for death and injuries of war veterans in the events of terrorist attacks.It is stipulated in Article 386 of the constitutions of the country that every citizen has the duty to undergo military training in accord with the provisions of the law and to serve in the Armed Forces to defend the Union. In connection with the provision, the People's Military Service Law (2010) and the Reserve Forces Law have been enacted. It is also stipulated in the People's Military Service Law that every citizen who is in the eligible age for military service for a certain period of time. The formation of drafting committees and rules and regulations for drafting are also fully stipulated in the law. Moreover, the Reserve Forces Law has been enacted to enable personnel who have been allowed to resign or retire to serve in reserve forces. These laws will be invoked if necessary.Members of Myanmar War Veteran Organization offered help in treating, prevention and vaccination during the outbreak of COVID-19. It is necessary for MWVO members to contribute to public services. Pragmatic organizational tasks can be carried out by cooperating with the public, relevant local organizations and social organizations. In accordance with the motto ''Armed Forces and the people always love each other and unite forever who so ever drives a wedge between them," it is necessary for members of the MWVO to participate in nation building tasks based on the spirit that soldiers who once served in the armed forces are always soldiers.The Tatmadaw always offers assistance to personnel who become disabled while serving duties of the country and the Tatmadaw and family members of personnel who died in action. In addition to Karuna Gaba Home for the Aged in Nay Pyi Taw, advanced housing complexes for war veterans in states and regions were built to enable personnel who have retired from the Tatmadaw and families to live without worry for the future and plans are being implemented to build more housing complexes for them. Occupational training courses are being offered at Tatmadaw occupational training camps for the life security of retired personnel who sacrificed limbs while serving duties for the country and the people. The Tatmadaw has placed emphasis on the higher education not only of personnel but also of dependent offspring of personnel and war veterans.National reunification is essential for the stability of the country. The Tatmadaw is sincerely taking measures to establish a political system aspired by all after EAOs have been on the peace path.As the Tatmadaw is sincerely performing national political duties to fulfil the needs of the country, I would like to urge members of the MWVO to exert efforts as much as possible to successfully implement the five sectors and seven future tasks adopted. War veterans who are former personnel are required to conserve the fine traditions of the Tatmadaw as well as the prestige of the MWVO and stand firmly as reserve forces of the Tatmadaw in national defence and security by upholding Our Three Main National Causes. In conclusion, the Senior General urged all to implement the adopted seven future tasks and five sectors like good soldiers by serving as a bridge between the Tatmadaw and the people.Then, Chairman Lt-Gen Sein Win(Retired) of the Central Executive Committee of Myanmar War Veterans Organization presented cash assistance for disabled members of the MWVO, offspring of members of the MWVO and offspring of the MWVO who are studying at Defence Services Academies.Afterwards, the Senior General posed for documentary photographs together with the members of the central executive committee of the MWVO and cordially greeted members of MWVO.
31-Oct-2018NayPyi Taw October 31
Myanmar War Veterans Organization Special Conference (2018) held at the conference hall of the MWVO Headquarters in Dakkhinathiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw Council Area, this morning.
Patron of MWVO Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing attended the above mentioned metting and gave an opeaning speech.
The meeting was also attended by Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Union Ministers Lt-Gen Sein Win and Lt-Gen Ye Aung, Chief of the General Staff (Army Navy and Air) General MyaTunOo, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Tin Aung San, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General MaungMaungKyaw, Lt-Gen Aung Htwe(Retd),Lt-Gen Kyaw Win(Retd), Lt-Gen Ye Myint(Retd), Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than(Retd),Lt-Gen Tin Aye(Retd) senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, MWVO CEO Chairman Maj- Gen Mya Win (Retd) and members, the commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command, chairmen of war veterans supervisory committees, conference delegates and invited guests.
The Senior General then cordially greeted war veterans present at the ceremony and posed for documentary photo together with central executive committee members of Myanmar War Veterans Organization.
Previous Events
9-7-2023 Philippine, Pampanga, Clark Freeport Zone
VECONAC 34th EBM and 21st GA
From 21-11-2022 To 25-11-2022
-at Centara Grand at Centarl Plaza Ladprao, Bangkok, Thailand
Myanmar War Veterans Organization GA(2021)
From 24-11-2021 to 26-11-2021
Assembly Hall of MWVO Headquarters.DetKhiNaThiri Naypyidaw.
From 8-12-2019 To 12-12-2019
3-7-2019 to 6-7-2019
Cambodia Siem Reap
From 11-12-2018 to 15-12-2018
LAOS, Vientiane
Special Conference Myanmar War Veterans Organization(2018)
From 29-10-2018 to 31-10-2018
Dekhina Thiri Tsp, Naypyitaw
7th Conference of Myanmar War Veterans Organization(2016)
From 12-10-2016 to 14-10-2016
From 23-11-2017 to 27-11-2017
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, Bandar Seri Begawam